After a day and night of intensive setup, the volunteers finally completed all preparations for the “Pure View® Liang Deng Miao Village” art charity exhibition.

Teacher Li Jie personally supervised the setup, working tirelessly from dawn till late at night.

It was already past midnight by the time they finished setting up, having worked as if one day were three.

Teacher Li kept remarking that the children’s artwork was better than her own.

After each Pure View®️ project, an exhibition is held in a museum or art gallery.

This is not just an art exhibition but also a documentary exhibition. Most importantly, it brings children who have never left their villages and their works into art galleries, allowing them to take pride in themselves.

The one-on-one interactions with the children, photos of their young faces, and their heartfelt reflections on the entire activity form a complete work of art.

The “Pure View® Liang Deng Miao Village” art charity exhibition did not feature a typical opening ceremony, banners, or speeches by officials. Teacher Li Jie is not fond of superficial formalities. She felt the time was insufficient and hoped to use this occasion to deliver one last lesson:

1.Children should improve various skills and adaptability through each “Pure View®️” event: instead of being fragile flowers in a greenhouse, they should strive to be trees that grow strong roots in the sun, with branches reaching skyward. They should learn to cope with hardship, outdoor survival, unexpected events, overcome fear, and possess the ability to survive independently and help others.
2. They should develop the ability to observe details around them and discover beauty. She hopes that no matter where they end up, when they recall the plants and trees of their childhood homes, they will want to return and do something for their hometowns, thereby reducing the number of left-behind children.
3. Always try to maintain a childlike innocence, curiosity, and sincerity.
4. The theme of the final class: My dreams.

The children listened with bright eyes. It was a simple lesson, but it remains unclear whether it would change anyone’s life.

Teacher Li also shared the changes she had observed over the years while teaching in rural areas; changes in the rural education system; changes in the environment where the children live; and the challenges and doubts encountered while doing public welfare projects. However, seeing the children’s heartfelt reflections and realizing the impact of these activities, she and the team were willing to persist despite difficulties and problems.

Teacher Li awarded certificates of appreciation for the “Pure View® Liang Deng Miao Village” love and charity project to the volunteers of all ages.

Wu Guozhuang, a villager who provided continuous assistance, received his certificate and spoke emotionally about his experience, even singing a Miao folk song for us.

Villager Wu Guozhuang received his certificate of appreciation.

Bus driver Mr. Tian, who had been responsible for our transportation, shared his heartfelt thoughts after hearing about “Pure View”

Teacher Li presented the village children with participation certificates for the “Pure View® Liang Deng Miao Village” exhibition, marking their first exhibition.

Everyone received their certificates.

Teacher Zhu Jianxiang established the Xiangxi Printmaking Institute in his hometown. He shared his journey of choosing to become an artist due to his love for painting and establishing the printmaking institute. His dedication to his hometown and pursuit of art moved everyone present.

He expressed his hopes for the children of “Pupil Art Meets”:
“Each person is an individual with their own unique qualities. Whether urban or rural children, they gain exposure to different worlds through Pupil Art Meets. This project serves as a bridge connecting you to each other’s worlds. Art is about inclusiveness, confidence, and expression. I hope you can view everything in the world more equally and lovingly through this activity and give back to society and your hometowns to the best of your abilities. We don’t need to become professional artists, but we must have the ability to discover beauty, regardless of wealth.”

Huang Shengwei, chairman of the Luxi County Artists Association, came especially to attend the opening ceremony, offering his blessings and expectations.

Volunteer Chen Lihan participated in the third Pure View®️.

Lǐ Letian, one of the initiators of Pure View®, also shared his feelings. He hopes to someday have the means to provide every household in Liang Deng Village with running water and improve the mountain road with its 270-degree turn. During the 2017 Pupil Art Meets Da Jia Ji, his goal was to provide every household with a flushing toilet.

Wu Fan from Liang Deng Village represented the village children and shared his reflections and gains.

Teacher Huang Jincao discussed the changes she observed and felt during her participation in Pupil Art six years ago and again now:

“You should be grateful to each other because you are opening up your small worlds to one another. Through observing and reflecting, you discover more things that you hadn’t noticed before. This is a process of mutual support. We are all recipients of help.”

Looking back on these days, we all faced numerous challenges together, shared both hardships and joys, and experienced the authentic Liang Deng Mountain Village, forming deep friendships—
Climbing walls, trekking through ancient forests, crossing fields, sketching in the artists’ courtyards, witnessing the most genuine expressions of hometown sentiment.
Behind-the-scenes: Volunteers faced daily challenges like water shortages, dry toilets, outdoor conditions, and century-old houses.

Every step taken was worth it and taken with conviction.

The “Pure View® Liang Deng Miao Village” art charity exhibition opened successfully.
A group photo of the Liang Deng children and volunteers at the exhibition site.

On August 9th, we shared our last communal lunch together.

Visitors at the exhibition.

It was time to say goodbye. The children couldn’t hold back their tears. The shared meals and experiences over these few days had connected the Liang Deng children with children from around the world. We exchanged contact information.

“Dreams” begin when we start, but “meaning” starts when we part ways,
May we all have the ability to love ourselves and the capacity to love others.

See you next year.

The reflections of the volunteers and the Liang Deng children… Every word comes from the heart.