Han Sai Por , one of Asia’s leading modern sculptors and Singapore’s Cultural Medallion recipient. She has participated in numerous international exhibitionsand projects around the world,and her works can be found in many international institutions, public spaceand private collections from Singapore, Malaysia, India, China, Japan, New Zealand , Australia and United Kingdom to the United States. Such as Singapore  National Art  Gallery and Art Museum, China National Museum in Beijing. Australia parliament, Chancery of Permanent Mission of Singapore office to the United Nations, Washington DC, Singapore Embassy and  Istana and etc. 2005, Han works won top award in India, 2006, won “Outstanding City Sculpture award”in China, 2015, won  “The Leonardo Award for Sculpture ”atChianciano Biennale in Italy.

Education in the fine arts and landscape architecture, Han has, for three decades, channeled both passions into a body of work that makes significant comment about the changing landscape. Although it is the environment at large to which Han’s works generally refer in Singapore, where the landscape undergoes change at a brutal pace and too often with scant regard for flora, fauna, heritage or preservation, her words have particular resonance.